Tips on how to write a Formal Essay

Structure Of A Formal Essay

Similar to other types of essays, a formal essay comprises four distinct parts. These parts include an introduction, which serves to provide background information on the topic and a clear statement of the thesis. The body paragraphs follow the introduction and serve to develop the thesis statement with supporting evidence and logical arguments. The third part is the conclusion, which summarizes the main points made in the formal essay and restates the thesis statement in a compelling manner. Finally, a formal essay includes a list of references or works cited, which acknowledges the sources used in the essay and demonstrates the author’s commitment to academic integrity. Overall, the structure of a formal essay is designed to present a well-reasoned argument and demonstrate the writer’s mastery of the topic.

Title for a formal essay

The title of a piece of formal essay writing serves as a crucial tool in conveying the main idea or subject matter of the work. It is the heading that provides the reader with a clear indication of the theme and purpose of the topic. A well-crafted title can capture the reader’s attention and entice them to delve deeper into the content. On the other hand, a poorly chosen or vague title may leave the reader confused or disinterested, leading those to overlook the valuable insights contained within the text. Thus, it is important to select a title that is not only informative but also engaging, creative, and memorable. A carefully chosen title can set the tone for the entire piece, inviting the reader to explore the author’s perspective on the topic and gain new insights and perspectives.


In the introductory section of a piece of essay writing, the author aims to provide a brief overview of the topic and set the stage for the ensuing discussion. This section serves as a roadmap for the reader, providing them with a preview of the key themes, arguments, and evidence that will be presented in the text. A well-crafted introduction should capture the reader’s attention, establish the relevance of the topic, and provide a clear thesis statement that outlines the author’s main argument. Additionally, the introduction may include background information on the topic, contextualize the issue within a broader historical or social context, and highlight the significance of the topic for the reader. By presenting a compelling and informative introduction, the author can effectively engage the reader and guide them towards a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


Body of Formal Essay

When writing about a chosen topic, it is common practice to devote a considerable portion of the text to the body paragraphs. These paragraphs serve as the core of the formal essay, providing the reader with an in-depth analysis of the topic at hand. Typically, the body paragraphs will consist of three to four distinct sections, each of which elaborates on a specific aspect of the topic. Within each section, the author may present a variety of arguments, examples, and samples in order to support their thesis statement and develop their ideas. These arguments and examples may be drawn from a wide range of sources, including scholarly research, personal experience, and anecdotal evidence. By presenting a well-reasoned and well-supported argument in the body paragraphs, the author can effectively persuade the reader of the validity of their ideas and contribute to the overall coherence and persuasiveness of the text.


At the conclusion of a piece of formal essay writing, the author will typically devote a few lines to summarizing the main points of the text and offering a general opinion on the topic. This section serves as a final opportunity to persuade the reader of the validity of the author’s argument and leave a lasting impression. In order to effectively summarize the preceding paragraphs, the author may choose to restate the thesis statement and highlight the key themes and arguments presented throughout the text. Additionally, the conclusion may provide some insight into the broader implications of the topic, suggesting avenues for future research or highlighting the significance of the issue for a wider audience. Ultimately, the conclusion should leave the reader with a clear sense of the author’s position on the topic and a lasting impression of the persuasive power of the text. By presenting a concise and impactful conclusion, the author can effectively round out the essay and ensure that the reader is left with a clear understanding of the subject matter.

Steps on Writing a Formal Essay

Tips On How To Write A Formal Essay

1- The initial step in writing a formal essay is to either select a topic independently or have it assigned by the teacher. If the topic is left to the writer’s discretion, it is important to choose a subject that is of personal interest. It is unlikely that the writer will enjoy composing an essay on every topic, given the formal nature of the task. Therefore, selecting a topic that is engaging and inspiring to the writer will aid in maintaining focus and motivation throughout the essay writing process. By choosing a subject that resonates with the writer, they will be better equipped to craft a well-reasoned argument and present their ideas persuasively.

2- The second step in writing a formal essay is to craft an introductory paragraph that provides a concise summary of the entire essay. It is essential to engage the reader’s attention at the outset of the essay to maintain their interest and encourage them to read the entire piece. Within the introductory paragraph, it is crucial to include a clear and well-crafted thesis statement that conveys the writer’s main argument. This statement should be positioned towards the middle or end of the introduction, where it can be easily identified by the reader. By providing a well-written and engaging introduction that captures the reader’s attention and presents a compelling thesis statement, the writer can effectively set the stage for the remainder of the essay.

3- The thesis statement is an integral part of the introduction paragraph and should succinctly summarize the main point or claim of the essay. Typically, this statement should be no longer than one or two sentences and should clearly communicate the writer’s stance on the topic. The purpose of the thesis statement is to provide a roadmap for the remainder of the essay, guiding the reader towards an understanding of the key themes and arguments presented in the text. By crafting a well-written and focused thesis statement, the writer can effectively communicate their perspective on the topic and ensure that the essay is well-organized and persuasive.

4- Once the introduction paragraph has been completed, the writer should proceed to the body of the essay. In the body, each paragraph should represent a distinct point of view or argument related to the chosen topic. Each paragraph should begin with an introductory sentence that clearly communicates the main idea or theme to be addressed. The subsequent sentences within each paragraph should be crafted in a manner that logically develops and expands upon the initial idea or argument. By organizing the body of the essay in this way, the writer can effectively communicate their perspective on the topic and provide a well-reasoned and persuasive argument.

5- When writing the conclusion of the essay, it can be helpful to refer back to the introduction of formal essay. The conclusion should reiterate the thesis statement and highlight how it has been fully and completely proven throughout the essay. It is important to avoid introducing any new information within the conclusion, as this can detract from the overall cohesiveness of the formal essay. By remaining focused on the main argument and summarizing the key points made within the body of the essay, the writer can effectively craft a conclusion that provides a clear and concise summary of the essay’s main themes and arguments.

Edit and Review

Formal Essay Writing

Once you have completed formal essay writing, it is crucial to thoroughly review and make necessary edits to eliminate errors. This involves going through the formal essay multiple times. If you are unable to catch all the mistakes on your own, seeking assistance from someone else by reading it aloud to them can be helpful. Another approach is to set it aside for a day or two, then revisit it with a fresh perspective and reread it. An additional technique to identify errors, faults, and grammatical inconsistencies in your essay is to record yourself reading the entire piece and then listen to it. To catch spelling mistakes, you can utilize tools such as a dictionary or text editor like Microsoft Word, but it is still recommended that you read it aloud to yourself as these programs are not always entirely accurate.

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